Is Twitter Worth It?

Is Twitter Worth It?

       Social Media that has made its way into being one of the top platforms, has been recognized as being “worth your time.” For personal use, the social media account has become popular enough and has been used my so many others, and it still stands the test of being worth their time. However, for businesses, evaluating what platforms to use doesn’t stop at seeing what a majority of people in the world use, it is all about being active where your customers are active. Instagram is a very popular platform, but if your customers aren’t using Instagram, then it is pointless for you to spend time marketing there.
Let’s talk about Twitter. Twitter is an open social media with easy access to users. There is no authentication process to listen in on what others are saying on the platform and communicate with them. There is a lot of information in one place which can make it seem cluttered or noisy. Twitter is also fast-paced and used primarily to share news from gossip to the latest headline. If you are reading this list as all cons, then your company profile probably doesn’t fit the personality or Twitter. However, if you are a business that thrives on news, is all about coupons and special events or you want to reach hungry journalists than Twitter might be the place for you as Jason McDonald gives examples of.
Social media marketing can be a lot of time and effort on your side. Thinking through why your company should be on a platform and what you can gain from it is very important. It can either give you great success on that platform, or you can put your efforts somewhere else where you can be effective!


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