Facebook is Alive!

Facebook is Alive!

        Most of the younger generation would like to argue that Facebook is dead. However, if you took a poll in a few groups of people you are around in your everyday of how many use Facebook I think the numbers would beg to differ. Most of the younger generation has moved to new platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. However, this does not mean they have left Facebook and that the older generation isn’t very active on Facebook.
Facebook is by far the largest social media platform and has nearly 2 billion active users. Facebook has great features, especially if you are looking at it from a social media perspective. Starting a platform on Facebook can catapult you to understanding more about social media and understand more of the dynamics of other social media like LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. Facebook also has a wonderful measurement system put into place that allows you to track, promote and overall get better at reaching the people you want to reach. Facebook even has an algorithm, Edgerank that pushes your content to the top if you are matching what interests your audiences.
One of the dangers of social media for a personal use can be the ‘fake’ aspect. By this, an author Jason McDonald suggests that Facebook is fake because, “people are very likely to share photos of their family trip to Disneyland, their new Labrador puppy or their endorsement of the San Francisco Red Cross. They are not likely, however, to share news about their family struggles, their pending divorce, or their shameful addiction to candy corn and weight problems.” Jason also comments on how Facebook is a scrapbook of how life should be rather than how life is. Even if it is artificial, Facebook’s tone and culture are very upbeat and so upbeat marketing programs seem to be the most effective on Facebook.
How are you position your products or services on Facebook? Do you match the positive culture of how life should look in your posts?


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