Give Credit!

 Give Credit!

In classes, we have all talked about citing our sources. In classes, it seems to be the works cited page that everyone dreads doing. It isn’t that we hate citing where we got the information, it is usually the format that makes for the tedious work. However, we still do it because we know it is the right thing to do.

When I think of citing sources though, I usually think about research papers or essays about a book in my English class. However, in the past month I have seen it in an entirely new light. I am in the Holiday Spectacular at ONU and we have an amazing team who gets our costumes together. They plan, order, make, tailor and even choose hairstyles for everyone in the show. They really make the show come alive with all of the things they bring to each person.

Now that social media is such a big thing, they have us give credit in any photo we have our costumes on in. For example, if I post a picture with a cast member and we are in our outfits, we put “CC: Ameera Ansari” at the bottom. This gives credit to the hard work of our amazing costume designer. It is a great opportunity for us to thank them and show off their work!

Think about ways you can tag people even on social media to give credit to their work!


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