Winner? Loser?
The PR Professor’s Winners Versus Losers in PR & Marketing
When scrolling through social media I found a post from an Instagram account, @theprprofessor I found this image. I thought it was super interesting to see what they saw as the winners and losers of this week in the PR and Marketing world.
The winner this week was Opel Automotive. As a European automaker, they made history by actually having their customers use YouTube views as currency for purchasing their cars. Crazy, right? Well, maybe not. If a customer makes a video in one of their cars while testing driving it, each 40 views are equivalent to 1 Euro. So, if your video goes viral, you just paid for your new car!
The loser this week is Papa John’s. With everything going on with the NFL and players protesting, Papa John’s made a not so smart move. The CEO, John Schnatter, blamed their plummeting sales on the NFL protest controversy. As @theprprofessor said, “Schnatter broke two cardinal rules of PR: Always accept responsibility as a corporate leader and never get intertwined in divisive politics.”
I definitely agree with both of these statements and it will be interesting to continue to follow them throughout each process.
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