Let Break Be Break

If you are a college student reading this blog post, I bet you have some type of assigned work over break. Now just say that to yourself out loud. Over your academic break…you have academic assignments. They are probably due right when you get back to class or even in the middle of break. How silly is that? I believe that you should not have homework over break because everyone needs a break to take care of themselves, work life balance is important and I perform better when I come back refreshed.

Everyone needs a break. At any point in your life it is important to take breaks whether you are a college student or a working adult. It is even biblical to take a Sabbath. If we do not take physical, mental and emotional breaks in life we will burn out and end up doing worse in the end compared to if we had just taken time to slow down. I think college students have an even harder time doing this. As a professional in the workforce you often work certain times of the day and then you go home. You may have work you occasionally take home, but work is scheduled Monday through Friday from around 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and then you are on your own time. However, college students have class throughout the week with large amounts of homework to complete by the next class. This leaves a lot of times where we feel the need to be working to keep up with the demands of school.

Work life balance has become a buzzword in the workplace lately. It can be so important to find a job that understands the need for work life balance, or you easily get lost in your job. This is something you want your employer to understand, but also something you have to actively work for. You have to choose to put down the work and focus on your life. There is always something to do, but you can’t get back time.

Not only do you need breaks from the work, but when you come back from a break you often perform better. Giving yourself time off from the vigorous work not only benefits students but It benefits the instructor too. If you want to push your students to work hard in your class and on assignments, then you need to give them breaks from the mental toughness of the work. Then, when they come back they will be refreshed and perform better.

So please, if you are an educator or are planning to be one. Keep the assignments for before and after break. Your students work really hard during the year and everyone needs a break – even you!


  1. Preach, taking breaks is so important! Self-care is something that is talked about so much, but like you said we are constantly surrounded with things to do. I hope you are able to take at least a few days off over thanksgiving break! We are almost to the end of the semester and we got this! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


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