What I've Learned!

What I’ve Learned! 

Since our reading is over for my social media class, I thought I would talk about some of the things I have learned over the course of this class. Going into this class, I was honestly just wanting to start on my social media minor and major course requirements. I didn’t know too much about the course work other than what I had heard from students, but was ready to get started. I wanted to share the top three things I have learned.

1. Just because you have a social media account for personal use, does not mean you understand how to run an account for a business. Running a social media account takes research, careful planning, understanding of key concepts and a lot of work. In today’s society you can’t post something and hope everyone will see it. You have to find what works best for you and your audience to have a mutually beneficial relationship on social media.

2. Social media content calendars can be time consuming but are critical to a successful social media presence. Planning out what you will post and when may seem monotonous. However, it keeps you on track and helps with content ideas along the way. Without it, it becomes very easy to get behind, forget to post or steer away from what kind of content you want to be posting.

3. Work smarter not harder. Instead of posting the same message but on a dozen platforms, research can help you decide what platform works best and what message can effectively convey your point. Research and data can give you ways to post smarter while posting on a medium your audience will likely engage on. Social media, when used right, can enhance your brand in many ways if you allow it.


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